Scraper Systems™ by Rite-Hite® extends its congratulations to Pennsylvania State Senator Lisa Boscola and the family of Christine Lambert on the recent passage of Act 90 of 2022, (75 Pa. Code § 3721) better known as “Christine’s Law.”
Twenty-five years ago, our organization recognized the implicit danger posed by snow and ice blowing off trucks, buses, and other vehicles on our highways. As such, we’ve spent the last quarter century trying to help mitigate this problem through the development of automated snow removal machines. Legislation such as Act 90 is another necessary step in that direction and is long overdue. While the previous statute only penalized a driver when a serious accident occurred caused by snow or ice flying off their vehicle – such as the “ice missile” that killed Christine Lambert – Act 90 requires drivers to remove snow within 24 hours or face fines. It also allows police officers to pull over a vehicle if the ice or snow build-up on it poses a potential hazard.
We hope the passage of this law – and similar laws in other states and provinces – will help raise public awareness of this all-too-common danger and help diminish its presence on North America’s highways and byways.